Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gun Control

There is a long debated issue of gun control, and the rules and regulations that apply to the issue. It has been protested that the rules and regulations of gun control need to be enforced and taken to extra measures through the actions of celebrity and high powered figures. These figures have taken the privilege to possess a gun beyond the restrictions to the point where it can cause physical harm to themselves and others. Although the topic is gun control, we must focus on the issue of the people who carry them. Its the fact that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Guns are made to protect us, not to show off or to take lightly, as seen by past occurrences this is a serious issue that requires a serious approach if we are to instill and maintain safety in our society. We are given the right to bear arms, but that comes with a significant amount of responsibility that some disregard and in doing so they have had accidents that led to the unnecessary deaths of people and the heartache shared by those they left behind.
Maybe it is through violent movies, video games, and/or music that we find guns appealing and acceptable to the youth of society. The only people that need guns in the world are the authorities and the criminals that thrive off intimidation, and criminal mischief. Also adding to the fact that the criminals obtain these weapons illegally with the intention of using them illegally, they are not to be held in high standards or to be envied. They are criminals that are heading nowhere and it may look cool in movies but those are not people to look up to, they are people to look down upon.