Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gun Control

There is a long debated issue of gun control, and the rules and regulations that apply to the issue. It has been protested that the rules and regulations of gun control need to be enforced and taken to extra measures through the actions of celebrity and high powered figures. These figures have taken the privilege to possess a gun beyond the restrictions to the point where it can cause physical harm to themselves and others. Although the topic is gun control, we must focus on the issue of the people who carry them. Its the fact that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Guns are made to protect us, not to show off or to take lightly, as seen by past occurrences this is a serious issue that requires a serious approach if we are to instill and maintain safety in our society. We are given the right to bear arms, but that comes with a significant amount of responsibility that some disregard and in doing so they have had accidents that led to the unnecessary deaths of people and the heartache shared by those they left behind.
Maybe it is through violent movies, video games, and/or music that we find guns appealing and acceptable to the youth of society. The only people that need guns in the world are the authorities and the criminals that thrive off intimidation, and criminal mischief. Also adding to the fact that the criminals obtain these weapons illegally with the intention of using them illegally, they are not to be held in high standards or to be envied. They are criminals that are heading nowhere and it may look cool in movies but those are not people to look up to, they are people to look down upon.


  1. The issue of gun control has been around for as long as guns were. It was always debated and contested. As we enter into a new age just like everything else we evolve. We evolve into a society different from our parents and their parents before them. We aspire to be like athelites we see on tv or singers we hear on the radio. These people make their living off of us everyday people buying their product. Being placed on a pedastool is tough these people feel the need to protect themselves. These people are constantly harasses by fans by haters by jelous people they look for a way to escape this reality. They look to guns they carry them around for the own protection. When in actuality they are doing more harm. Waving guns flashing them from your waste band doesn't avoid trouble it causes it. Jelousy and envy are terrible humans traits they drive people to do crazy things but waving a gun around doesn't stop this. We need to mandate stricter laws on guns these same entertainers and movie stars who carry them are just as bad as the criminals who do. It comes down to the matter of who will use it first it comes down to like the author said guns don't kill people people kill people they wouldn't be in that situation if it weren't so easy to obtain a gun.

  2. The issue on gun control will be debated way futher past our deaths. I don't understand why people even try to debate this issue. It is useless to do so because the law isn't going to change. I know everybody has their right to be for anything they want and to have freedom of speech but all the gun rights rallies in the world woon't change the law on guns. Our government base laws on what is morally right. And the government knows that if we change this law the homicide rate will triple in the matter of five years. The government knows this little stunt would erase our whole race very fast and efficiently. So as being a conscious government they will never change this law which i believe is a very smart idea. We have children and even teenagers to protect and if we change this law most of them will probrably die early in their lives.

  3. i agree that guns are not to be taken lighly an they are not meant to show off an they do not make you cool or tough. the point of a gun is to protect us wether its a cop having one or just a house owner in a bad city. i also agree that wen we have guns that puts a great amount of responsability on our shoulders.. we are not to do stupid things with them an wave them around trying to look cool.. famous people or famous atheletes should not be carrying guns either. they have enough money to have security guards people to protect them so i feel theres mo reason for them to carry any weapons.
